Scully, I think Saul had a yen for some rabbi calimari... deepfried foreskin, yummy!
If you don't laugh at the barbarity of the Bible it could make you weep...
years ago, i had a pet-hate bible story, and it was this one story that actually started me on the path to freedom from the borg-org.. it was the story of lot when he was living in sodom and the 2 angels visited (dressed like men of course).
and the crowd of sodomites were yelling "send out the visitors so we can bonk them senseless".
Scully, I think Saul had a yen for some rabbi calimari... deepfried foreskin, yummy!
If you don't laugh at the barbarity of the Bible it could make you weep...
in another thread, i stated the three best things i ever did with my life, but i thought the topic would make a good thread.. what are the three best things you did in your life?.
mine are:.
third best: divorcing my first wife.
1. leave the cult
2. marry Papa Dark
3. give birth to Little Dark and raise him cult-free
what a bunch of wall paper.
99% of the people on this forum are hopelessly believers in one sided non-sense.
i am tired of the abusive language that has been dumped on me by otherwise respectable participants.
Cruel, insensitive, and typically insular in thinking, like all good dubbies.
You said, "They want the jury to believe that an ordinary day in the life of the victim is living hell and therefore deserving of commensurate compensation."
Got news for ya asshole. An ordinary day in the life of the victim IS living hell and therefore deserving of commensurate compensation." Unless you've been one, you have no reason to comment on how victims are affected daily by the effects of their trauma.
You truly are a clueless and heartless bastard, Proplog. Your empathy and compassion are equalled only by your decency. You could put them all into a thimble and still have room for your pointy little head.
for me, the word was "loving".. great "loving" kindness.. great undeserved "loving" kindness!.
disfellowshipping is a "loving" provision.. when the wtbts want their accolytes to swallow another bitter pill, another restriction, another rebuke, another demand on time, the buzz word is "loving".. the "loving" word, is, to the average jw, the same as the mccabe nod is to the salesman.
the mccabe nod is used by salesman all the time to get the prospective customer to agree to something that he doesn't care for too much.
hey, i just ordered this book, "towing jehovah.
" any out there read it yet?
sounds like a gas........... ""a past winner of the world fantasy award, morrow could easily claim another prize, for the year's most outlandish fictional premise, if there were prizes for such things.
Towing Jehovah is a really good book. The sequel is not quite as good, but Towing is a real hoot. I highly recommend it to anyone not afraid of iconoclasm. It's not the most reverent approach to God .
anyone want to give me cyber hugs and kisses?.
"yk is his name, false prophecy is his game"
Happy birthday fellow apostate!
and I wish you a hundred more joy-filled birthdays.
the following is a post i made to prisca on another thread.
i am courious about how many agree with what i say here or am i wrong?.
re: rick and his thugs jan 20, 2002 13:15 .
Oh get OFF it Prissypants!
You're just irate that now folks know you for what you really are. You can dish it out but you can't take it. I've heard you trashing Tina's appearance, calling her a drag queeen etc. You never hesitate to say shitty things about others; as you prove every time you talk to Wendy. I was in chat the night you were screeching at Jan H insisting he reveal the members of the alleged secret elite mail list, screaming at him that you KNEW he was on the list. YOu were not then, nor have you ever been, ladylike.
You were sure happy to let Stephanus post pics of some hot biker babes in leather and were quite willing to pretend to inquirers that it was you. Your protests about Sydney Bethel and your need for privacy are just bullshit. If you were so paranoid about your identity, why go to all the apostofests and let your pic be taken in the first place? Oh right... because you're a coward, too chickenshit to tell your family the truth about your double life.
You're just mad that now people have seen what a fat cow you really are. Don't want your pic splattered on the internet? Quit playing games and acting coy, keep your picture in your pants with your brain.
I've been sick of your whinging for months, and I'm not alone in that opinion.
Nobody anywhere gives a rat's ass if you're in or out of the cult. Your paranoia is your problem. DEAL WITH IT and shut the hell up already. Just quite whining. Nobody cares about your widdle hurt feelings.
what do you do when you're being blindsided from seemingly every direction and you're drowning in stress?
what do you personally do to counteract it?.
reading joelbear's latest post ("joelbear needs to calm down")reminded me of what it was like when first exiting the watchtower.
When you find a good answer, Jerry, please share it with us. The only thing I've found that helps at all is to have a good bellylaugh at the absurdity of life.
the other day, i was messaged by a young jw guy (using yahoo messenger, where i am breezyone2001; chat me up, gang!).
his opening line to me was, "why are you attacking the witnesses?
" i responded by asking him in what way i was attacking the witnesses, and he said that he saw my name in a yahoo club for ex-jw's.
I'm always appalled at the arrogance with which Christian apologists view those of us who have made a careful study and come to the conclusion that atheism is the only sensible rational path. The same old tired cliche always gets trotted out; 'don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.'
Rational intelligent atheists haven't 'thrown' anything out. We examined the water closely. We scooped it out in tiny spoonfuls and checked every drop for some genuine content. We strained it carefully, checking every step of the way for something, anything, alive and valuable in the tepid scummy water of religious writings and teachings.
Our conclusion? No baby. Nothing alive or useful at all in all that stagnant old stale water. Just a lot of dire threats and fantastic promises of better future times.
So what does a rational intelligent being do under these circumstances? Find some clean water, wash well, and scrub the vessel clean of the smelly old superstitions that formerly filled it. Then start fresh finding vital useful tools for living that are free of the taint of those superstitions.
It's offensive and arrogant of Christian apologists to assume that we have merely made some rash emotional kneejerk reaction to our former abuse at the hands of a cult. Most of us who have given up a need for a Skydaddy savior have spent many more hours researching and learning than the average frightened Christerbabbler, and have used a much wider range of resources.
It's much harder to find an ethical baseline, a moral imperative, without buying one of the shrink-wrapped, tidy, but often hate-filled salvation packages offered by Churchianity. I know very few atheists who are vile unprincipled creeps. Most of us are highly ethical, honest, concerned citizens who realize that we have one shot at life, and we try our best to leave the planet a little better and saner than we found it. We work at decency, not out of fear of damnation or promise of some salvation reward, but out of plain human compassion.
You Christerbabblers might want to try it sometime. Of course it's been my experience that Christians who prate loudest about 'throwing the baby out with the bathwater' are too frightened to even try to behave decently without the crutch of their religion. It's far easier to deny the veracity of the atheist's path than to take an objective look at it.
hey peeps, how are you?.
the name is mark, i've been hanging around here from time to time.
i read about the elders meeting with officer danni.s.
Thank you Bobsgirl, for saying so articulately what many of us are thinking about this jumped-up newbie and his preposterous claims.
The whole story stinks like yesterday's diapers and I'm sad to see so many good people swallowing it whole. Especially since nobody can even find the cong in question in the state specified... Two cops behaving like angry children in a Kingdom Hall? While a meeting is going on? Forgive me if I refuse to believe this fairy tale. Forgive me if I refuse to lend credibility to newbies telling tall tales, especially since the fallout will undoubtedly end up soiling Bill's work.
This sort of grandstanding will not help the Silentlambs cause and I suspect in time it will prove to be incredibly damaging to the credibility of the real freedom fighters who have been in the trenches for years, struggling to inform the public about the WT's insidious policies.
A shame people are so gullible, isn't it?
Thank you for comments hon. I intend to refrain from jumping on some newbie's bandwagon, preferring to lend my support to established and credible sources. You deserve applause, not flames!
as always,